Final Exam
Exam Procedure
- Bring your UCF ID to confirm your identify when entering the room and taking the exam.
- You may only answer questions for your own webcourses account
- Not being checked-in to the room results in a 0 on the exam
- Check out of the room to confirm your time within the room
- Answering any questions on webcourses outside of the room results in a 0 on the exam
- In-person, webcourses exam
- Bring your laptop for webcourses exam
- Laptop may only have webcourses open
- Any other use of the machine will result in an academic misconduct report
- ID will be checked in class for grade to count
- A small of paper exams are available for students
- Sit at least one seat apart from other students
- Questions will only be available during the exam period
- Twelve double-sided physical pages of reasonably-sized notes permitted
- No online notes or other digital resources are allowed
- Laptop is only for webcourses exam and nothing else
- No additional items (cell phones, laptops, etc.) permitted besides, for a paper exam, a writing implement containing no additional information
- If taking the paper exam, put full name and NID on every page (including additional paper, scratch paper, and notes)